
  1. 2. Which is the only food that can never go off or go bad?
  2. 4. How many legs does a lobster have?
  3. 5. Which popular Greek dessert is made from filo pastry?
  4. 7. What is used to make hummus?
  5. 10. Sauerkraut is composed of which vegetable?
  6. 13. Which famous soft drink was invented in 1892?
  7. 14. Which vegetable was the first to be grown in space?
  8. 16. Calamari is what type of fish?
  9. 17. Which state is sometimes referred to as the popcorn state of the USA?
  10. 18. What is the most expensive spice (by weight) in the world?
  11. 19. Bubble tea originated in which country?
  12. 20. How many herbs and spices make up the KFC spice blend?
  1. 1. Where will you find the oldest Thanksgiving parade?
  2. 3. What is the most common pizza topping?
  3. 6. Peach pie is the national dessert of which state?
  4. 8. If you suffer from Mageirocophobia, what are you scared of?
  5. 9. What cheese would you find on a Reuben sandwich?
  6. 11. Where were French fries invented?
  7. 12. Choux and filo are two types of what food product?
  8. 15. How many pounds does the average Thanksgiving turkey weigh?