  1. 1. I am one of papa's favorite breakfasts!
  2. 5. Usually you drink me with a blueberry flavor.
  3. 7. I am named after my color.
  4. 9. Usually I am sliced. Sometimes I have peel parts.
  5. 11. I am long and yellow. Monkeys like me.
  6. 13. I'm not a cold dog or warm dog. I am a...
  7. 15. I am leafy and green. I can go in sandwiches.
  8. 16. Some people call me a cockroach, but I taste good!
  9. 17. I am oval and have a shell. You need to cook me.
  10. 18. I am an orange root, sometimes a snowman's nose.
  1. 2. I am red, green, or yellow. I make a great pie!
  2. 3. I am a big hit on Halloween!
  3. 4. I am big, green, and red on the inside.
  4. 6. People use me to make butter, cheese, and yogurt.
  5. 8. I used to be a grape but now I am dried up.
  6. 10. I am red and juicy and go in sandwiches too.
  7. 12. I can have chocolate chips, oatmeal, or...
  8. 14. I have a hard shell and Nutcrackers like me.
  9. 15. I am red and sweet. I can go in lemonade.
  10. 18. Sometimes I need a scarecrow.