
  1. 4. would be a rich, lavish, opulent meal; sumptuous, luxurious, certainly abundant. You would not be
  2. 7. refers to the flavor or strong odor of game, especially game that is starting to spoil. It would be
  3. 8. nasty, sharp, stinging, vitriolic. Definitely not smooth.
  4. 9. pie is very appetizing, pleasing to your taste; your sense of taste.
  5. 15. taste, hot, tangy, agreeably biting or sharp; never bland or insipid.
  6. 16. bland don’t apply.
  7. 17. sharp,tart,sour,bitter
  8. 18. food has the piquant, hot, fiery, burning taste of
  9. 20. food is bad, stale, rotten, completely off; the opposite of fresh food.
  10. 25. or sweet means syrupy, candied, sugar coated, honeyed, sweetened, sugared, maybe saccharine;
  11. 26. is the trace, hint, smack, relish, savor food leaves behind.
  12. 27. pungent, so strong flavored that makes one feel burning, fiery, intense, vehement, ardent, fervent
  13. 29. to bitter, unsweetened or sugarless.
  14. 30. as in burning, scorching, boiling, blistering, sizzling, searing, blazing, torrid; or hot as in spicy, peppery,
  15. 31. is one of the basic tastes. It is acid, lemon-like or vinegary, tart, bitter, acerbic. Sour food has a sharp
  1. 1. or cured –pickling would prevent from spoiling- in some liquid with plenty of salt, vinegar, or
  2. 2. is shouting “eat me!” It is delicious, delectable, mouthwatering, tasty, delightful, gorgeous, lip
  3. 3. – definitely not cold, mild, soft or tasteless.
  4. 5. and rancid, certainly not fresh. It is a word more often applied to other areas than to food.
  5. 6. taste and, certainly, is not sweet.
  6. 10. means pungent but in the fetid, smelly, foul, stale, rancid, definitely bad way; offensive to the smell or
  7. 11. would account for that briny flavor that food preserved in a pickling liquid gets. Food is pickled,
  8. 12. yummy, wonderful in taste and aroma; never unappetizing, unappealing, or tasteless. Think of a
  9. 13. food is succulent, luscious, thirst quenching, moist, ripe, usually flavorful, many times fascinating. Dry
  10. 14. and spices.
  11. 19. and salty, savory, spicy, tasty or zesty are very similar words. Also to be considered having a pleasant
  12. 21. is the food of the gods, and epicurean delight, food fit for a king, delicacy, heavenly spread,gastronomical delight, some apply this term to the pièce de résistance in a meal.
  13. 22. obviously full of flavor, or you could say, instead, flavorsome, tasty, tangy, appetizing, palatable,savory or sweet -for a particular flavor- and, if you want to try less known words, sapid or saporous. Itwouldn’t be flavorless, tasteless, bland, flat, or insipid.
  14. 23. with sparse food, a scanty meal or a thin plate.
  15. 24. and not fresh.
  16. 28. unpleasant to the taste, abrasive, coarse, acerbic, astringent, biting, bitter, caustic, cutting, dry,