
  1. 3. We are thin and fried.
  2. 5. I'm red and tasty vegetable.
  3. 7. I like healthy food. ... with tomatoes and cucumbers is my favourite one.
  4. 9. You eat me in the afternoon
  5. 11. You eat me in the evening
  6. 12. You eat me in the morning
  1. 1. I'm yellow fruit with a green tale.
  2. 2. I'm Italian and round, I can be with cheese,chicken,even(даже)with pineapples and bananas.
  3. 4. I'm a red and small berry.
  4. 6. If you eat me, you will cry.
  5. 8. I like .... I drink it everyday. I like it with strawberry and cream.
  6. 10. I'm yellow with holes. Mice like me