
  1. 3. carbs-What Percentage of Carbs Should You Eat for An Active Lifestyle?
  2. 5. carbs-Is Fat Better than Carbs for Performance?
  3. 6. protien-Does the more protein I consume equate to faster muscle gains?
  4. 7. protien-Does your body use protein for energy?
  5. 10. protien-Is it better to take protein powder or eat real food?
  6. 11. fat-Is fat really fattening
  7. 13. protien-What stands out as the best source of protein?
  8. 14. carbs-Are Certain Carbs Bad?
  1. 1. Carb Loading?yes or no.
  2. 2. fat-what is fats good for
  3. 4. fat-what is fat
  4. 5. fat-what is bad about fats
  5. 8. carbs-Can Carbs Make You Fat?
  6. 9. fat-Is a fat-free diet healthy
  7. 12. protien-Is it possible to put on fat if I eat too much protein?