
  1. 2. This food is a Simple carb
  2. 4. This food is a complex carb
  3. 6. This food is incomplete
  4. 10. This fat come from most plants
  5. 13. This protein IS mostly plants
  6. 14. This protein has meats and such
  7. 15. this food has saturated fat
  1. 1. This food is a simple carb
  2. 3. This type of food is a lot of the unsaturated fats
  3. 5. This type of carb has fiber
  4. 7. This fat is mostly from meats
  5. 8. This is when hydrogen get pumped into vegetable oil
  6. 9. This food is incomplete
  7. 11. This food is a complete protein
  8. 12. This carb has of the unhealthy foods