
  1. 2. food such as meat, cheese, fish, or eggs that is necessary for the body to grow and be strong
  2. 5. a plant that is grown to produce grain for food/
  3. 6. the substance in plants that cannot be digested and helps food pass through your body
  4. 8. a chemical that is added to food in order to make it taste or look better or to keep it fresh
  5. 11. an oval-shaped nut with a soft, brown shell; there's butter made from these nuts.
  6. 12. meat that Muslims don't eat
  1. 1. the meat of a cow
  2. 3. any substance that animals need to eat and plants need from the soil in order to live and grow
  3. 4. the substance under the skin of people and animals that keeps them warm
  4. 7. a chemical element in teeth, bones, and chalk;(symbol Ca)
  5. 9. a large sea fish
  6. 10. an organism like a plant with a short stem and a round top; some can be eaten, some are poisonous.