
  1. 4. - something that is unhealthy,is make in the oven
  2. 5. - something with a lot of vegetables
  3. 6. - something healthy and come from the see
  4. 8. - something very small, if you open the colors are white and orange
  5. 10. -something that is make with lemon,is yellow and is liquid
  6. 11. -something that is cold, is unhealthy,is small
  1. 1. - something green,very small and healthy
  2. 2. - something red , green or yellow us a fruit
  3. 3. - something that is liquid, is make with milk and with ice cream
  4. 5. - something red, small an there is a fruit
  5. 7. - something yellow,small is a fruit
  6. 9. - something unhealthy, deliciuous,can be made with chcolate.