
  1. 2. Animal with grills and fins that lives underwater
  2. 5. Any type of sweet fizzy (with bubbles)drink
  3. 8. A sweet candy made from cacao seeds
  4. 10. A food made from milk, usually yellow or white
  5. 11. Has an oval shape, laid by a female bird.
  6. 12. A liquid with white fluid rich in fat and protein, produced mainly by a cow.
  7. 13. A round vegetable that grows underground used to prepare french fries for example
  8. 17. A berry, typically green or purple, eaten as a food and used in making wine
  9. 18. Bread, Meat, Bread, usually with other condiments
  1. 1. Large circle of flat bread baked with cheese, tomato, and sometimes other condiments such as pineapple
  2. 3. Breakfast cereal consisting of toasted flakes made from corn
  3. 4. Small sweet cake, typically round and haing a crisp or chewy texture
  4. 6. Small seeds of a prticular type of grass, cooked and eaten as food - color = usually white
  5. 7. Long thin pieces of fried potato
  6. 9. Very sweet,yellowish-brown fluid made by bees
  7. 10. Sweet dessert made from a mixture of flour and other ingredients - and then it is baked
  8. 12. Part of an animal, mainly cows.
  9. 13. Food made from flour, water and sometimes egg that is cooked and usually served with sauce
  10. 14. A thick liquid prepared from milk
  11. 15. Made of flour, usually eaten with butter.
  12. 16. Sliced bread browned on both sides by exposure to radiant heat