
  1. 2. a sea creature with a long body and ten arms situated around the mouth, that gave the name to the popular series
  2. 4. hard and makes a sharp sound when you bite it
  3. 6. each of a pair of small, thin, tapered sticks of wood, ivory, or plastic, held together in one hand and used as eating utensils especially by the Chinese and the Japanese
  4. 8. knives, forks, and spoons used for eating or serving food
  5. 10. a lazy person who usually just sits at home (idiom)
  6. 12. the purple egg-shaped fruit, which is eaten as a vegetable
  7. 13. to cut food into small cubes or squares
  8. 14. to cook food in hot oil, butter or fat
  1. 1. a cabbage of a variety which bears a large immature flower head of small creamy-white flower buds
  2. 3. a utensil for whipping eggs or cream.
  3. 5. an influential person (idiom)
  4. 6. a small, light box or container in which drinks (usually milk) or foodstuffs are packaged
  5. 7. category of food that is not sweet
  6. 9. a category of taste in food (besides sweet, sour, salt, and bitter), corresponding to the flavour of glutamates
  7. 11. to take or cut the skin off a vegetable or fruit