
  1. 2. This food is made from fruits, it is very sweet, you can eat it with bread
  2. 4. This food is white, it is made from milk and it is sour
  3. 6. You use these to eat Asian food
  4. 8. You use this to eat spaghetti or salad, it has 3-4 points
  5. 9. This is something you drink everyday
  6. 10. This is white, very small and sweet, you can put it in tea or coffee
  7. 12. This fruit is green or black, we use it to make oil or put on pizzas
  8. 13. This is black, very small and spicy, you can put it in food
  1. 1. This is white and very small but not sweet, you can put it in food
  2. 3. This food is yellow, you can eat it with bread or use it in cooking, it can melt easily
  3. 5. This is white and very small but you cannot eat it, you use it to make bread or cakes
  4. 6. This is a kind of snacks made from potatoes
  5. 7. This fruit is red with brown seeds on it, we can use it to make milkshake
  6. 11. This food is brown and very sweet, bees make it
  7. 14. This food is from Italy, it is round and has cheese, tomato sauce and meat or seafood on it