  1. 3. a kind of nuts is usually made into sweet soup
  2. 6. a vegetable is round and red
  3. 7. a kind of meat come from cows, oxs
  4. 8. a kind of drink comes from wheat
  5. 12. a kind of meat is common in fast foos restaurant
  6. 13. a kind of drink needs hot water and dried leaves
  7. 14. a kind of pasta
  8. 16. many brands like Omachi, red bear and so on.
  9. 17. a kind of nuts, green and round
  10. 18. this drink is taken from cow
  11. 19. this food comes from 5 different nuts
  1. 1. a kind of fruits has oval shape, has 2 colors: green and yellow
  2. 2. a drink from fruits
  3. 4. a kind of water with gas
  4. 5. a kind of fruit has green outside and red inside
  5. 7. a food from America has a meat put between two slices of bread
  6. 9. they are purple fruits.
  7. 10. a kind of meat comes from animals in the water
  8. 11. a food comes from Italy
  9. 15. a kind of meat come from pigs
  10. 17. a kind of fruit looks like an apple but has yellow color
  11. 19. a very famous drink in Vietnam such as Trung Nguyen