
  1. 1. People in Italy love it.
  2. 3. You drink it. It is white.
  3. 4. You drink it. It is sweet and brown.
  4. 6. They are orange and long (длинные)
  5. 8. It is sweet. You eat it on your birthday (день рождения)
  6. 9. They are round and brown
  7. 10. They are sweet(сладкие) and can be with chocolate
  1. 1. You eat it in the cinema (в кино)
  2. 2. It can be orange or apple. You drink it.
  3. 3. It can be chicken or beef (говядина)
  4. 5. It is white and small.
  5. 7. It is made from meat (сделано из)