
  1. 2. - Meat made from a cow.
  2. 4. - Liquid you drink, made from apples or oranges.
  3. 6. - A spice, salt and ...
  4. 7. - Japanese food with rice, fish and vegetables.
  5. 10. - Not meat, not vegetable, they look like hats.
  6. 11. - A public promotion of a product or food, using videos or pictures, online or on billboards.
  7. 12. - English food, fish and ...
  8. 13. - Green, long vegetable, we put it in salad and sandwiches.
  1. 1. - The person working in a restaurant.
  2. 2. - Most important ingredient for a sandwich.
  3. 3. - Sweet, yellow fruit, Spongebob's house.
  4. 5. - A trick to make something interesting.
  5. 8. - Green, small vegetables, we make soup from them.
  6. 9. - A sweet, white cream, made from milk and fruits.
  7. 12. - Breakfast food, you eat it with milk.