
  1. 1. food that lives in water
  2. 4. meat from sheep
  3. 7. other word for delightful
  4. 10. food that’s bad for your health
  5. 13. crazy people eat it on pizza (not true)
  6. 14. popular in Italy
  7. 16. popular Asian food
  8. 17. sandwich with meat
  9. 18. you eat it after the main dish
  10. 20. you bake it with yeast so it can rise
  11. 21. sweet and comes in many flavors
  1. 2. pasta mostly served with meat and tomatoes
  2. 3. meat from poultry
  3. 5. long crunchy bread
  4. 6. it’s made from flour, eggs, milk
  5. 8. popular snack made from potatoes
  6. 9. food before it’s cooked
  7. 11. in America they eat it for thanksgiving
  8. 12. something that you order before your main dish
  9. 13. meat from pig
  10. 15. iced milk
  11. 19. equivalent to hot