  1. 2. You cry when you see you have this instead of doughnuts for breakfast.
  2. 4. They are crunchy and you usually eat them for breakfast.
  3. 7. It's a product that is white and liquid.
  4. 9. It's neither fish, meat or vegetable and it's round and red.
  5. 11. It's something that vegetarians never eat.
  6. 13. It's green but it's not a vegetable.
  7. 15. It's a fish that is normally used to make fish and chips.
  8. 16. It's hot and sweet and it's perfect to drink during Christmas Holidays.
  9. 18. It's a flat fish.
  10. 19. You eat it when you go to Japanese restaurant.
  1. 1. It's something that you use to make desserts.
  2. 3. It's something that you eat with tomato sauce.
  3. 5. It's a fruit with a crown.
  4. 6. You use it to make pizza or bread.
  5. 8. Italians usually eat it on Easter.
  6. 10. Snow White ate one of these and fell into a deep sleep.
  7. 12. It looks like a chicken.
  8. 14. You usually eat it with butter.
  9. 17. It's the reason why Fred farts.
  10. 18. A party where only lettuce, tomatoes,onions and olives are invited.