
  1. 1. gum usually comes in a ___________
  2. 3. the kind of food you cook in oil
  3. 5. jam usually comes in a ___________
  4. 7. this snack often comes in a bag
  5. 8. this purple fruit comes in a bunch
  6. 10. a purple vegetable
  7. 12. Can I fill my water ___________?
  8. 13. coffee with no sugar tastes __________
  9. 14. this is the end part of the bread
  10. 15. Pickles taste _______________
  11. 18. this drink often comes in a carton
  12. 21. Carrots are hard and ___________
  13. 22. milk often comes in this container
  1. 2. fried chicken has this texture
  2. 4. You eat this after dinner
  3. 6. a red fruit that is crunchy
  4. 7. this is an orange melon
  5. 9. When a fruit is ready to eat (maduro)
  6. 11. I don't like when my hair or pizza is _________
  7. 12. cereal usually comes in a __________
  8. 13. this food comes in a loaf
  9. 16. potato chips taste ____________
  10. 17. this fish often comes in a can
  11. 19. this fruit has water inside that you can drink
  12. 20. many people use this to drink coffee