
  1. 2. innovative, never been done before
  2. 3. used in many different ways
  3. 6. never having occurred before
  4. 8. freed from political or social obligations to others
  5. 9. special items that people buy for themselves or others as a reward
  6. 11. a time when people moved to an area to exploit an opportunity to make a lot of money
  7. 12. water with salt in it, especially for preserving food
  1. 1. removed the bones from a fish before eating
  2. 4. preserve something with smoke from burning wood
  3. 5. Chemically change a food with yeast or bacteria
  4. 7. a food that is important and popular in people’s normal diets
  5. 10. a period of work, sometimes during the day, sometimes at night