
  1. 2. Found in the sea
  2. 4. Made from a Plant
  3. 8. long thin and Tasty
  4. 9. Found in the woods/forest
  5. 11. Found in a garden
  6. 12. It can be sliced
  7. 13. Grows inside a cherry
  8. 15. Made of pigs
  9. 16. Delicious and round, can be big and small
  1. 1. People are Allergic to it
  2. 3. It can be found in stores
  3. 4. People Combine Them
  4. 5. Made by hands
  5. 6. Found on trees
  6. 7. Needs to be baked
  7. 10. found in wells
  8. 11. Its barbecued
  9. 14. It's fried