
  1. 2. A ____ of chips
  2. 3. A ____ of cereal
  3. 6. This flies in the sky, but it isn't an airplane
  4. 8. People go here to see movies.
  5. 9. I live at the zoo. I am a funny animal
  6. 10. Bananas are this color.
  7. 11. The cost of an item is called the ______
  8. 13. I get the _________ to school almost every day
  9. 16. People go here to buy food.
  1. 1. This is the book that I do my homework in!
  2. 2. A ______ of bananas
  3. 4. A ______ of cake
  4. 5. People go here to read books.
  5. 7. There are lots and lots of trees in this place
  6. 8. Should I get this one, or that one?
  7. 12. A ______ of Oil
  8. 14. A _____ of rice
  9. 15. I will ___ _____ the food when I get home