  1. 2. Cheesy with toppings, always round and sliced
  2. 4. One scoop or two, in a cone or in a cup
  3. 5. Meet on a skewer
  4. 6. Rice is the main, with fish or vegetables on top or inside
  5. 9. You can find one in McDonalds or Burger King
  6. 11. Sausage in a bun, with ketchup and mustard
  7. 12. Delicious in a hard or soft tortilla shell
  1. 1. Round, flat, and covered with honey and butter
  2. 2. Spanish rice dish
  3. 3. Carbonara, Bolognese, Alfredo, Pesto
  4. 7. Rare to well done
  5. 8. club, ham, egg mayo, many different flavours between bread
  6. 10. Round ring in Krispy Kreme