
  1. 2. made from cucumbers
  2. 6. breakfast meat that can be sticks or paties
  3. 7. ages for a while and can be in a wheel
  4. 9. chocolate squares that come out the over
  5. 10. a shell filled meat
  6. 11. a berry made out of straw
  7. 13. meat taken from deer
  8. 15. meat you cook and it can be on subs and eaten plane
  9. 16. a berry thats blue
  10. 19. grows in vine an is a melon
  11. 20. movie snack made of corn
  12. 21. two chocolate cookies with white stuff in the middle
  1. 1. noodles meat balls and sauce
  2. 2. turns into french fries
  3. 3. meat that comes out of pigs
  4. 4. green vegetable that goes
  5. 5. turns into pickles
  6. 8. taste the rainbow
  7. 9. breakfast meat that long and flat
  8. 12. triangles that come out of circles
  9. 14. meat that is on thanksgiving
  10. 15. something you get at subway
  11. 17. a red berry related to black berry
  12. 18. flat food for breakfast