  1. 2. it´s like Jelly and its sweet
  2. 5. it´s a drink
  3. 6. brown and can be fried
  4. 8. It´s white and comes from cows
  5. 9. they come from a chicken
  6. 12. It can be of different colors and made of fruit
  7. 13. it can be yellow or white
  8. 14. A drink with a lot of sugar
  9. 15. It's sweet and comes to fruit
  1. 1. Its made from bread and different ingridients
  2. 3. we use it to cook and its yellow and white
  3. 4. it´s a sea food
  4. 6. it´s common in birthdays
  5. 7. It´s a green vegetable
  6. 10. It´s read and made out of meat
  7. 11. It´s red and its eaten with fries