  1. 3. - A sweet, red fruit with seeds on the outside
  2. 5. - A green vegetable with florets and a thick stalk
  3. 7. - A fruit that can be red, green, or yellow
  4. 11. cream - A frozen treat made from dairy products
  5. 13. - A citrus fruit with a bright orange peel
  6. 17. - A grilled patty of ground beef served in a bun
  7. 18. - Italian noodles made from wheat flour
  8. 19. - A hamburger topped with melted cheese
  9. 20. - A meal made with bread and various fillings
  1. 1. - A juicy fruit with a green rind and red flesh
  2. 2. - A crunchy, orange vegetable
  3. 4. - A creamy dairy product often flavored with fruits or honey
  4. 6. - A sweet, brown treat made from cocoa beans
  5. 8. - Popped kernels of corn, often enjoyed as a snack
  6. 9. - A popular Italian dish with cheese and toppings on a dough base
  7. 10. - Flat, round cakes made from batter and often eaten for breakfast
  8. 12. - Long, thin pasta typically served with tomato sauce
  9. 14. - A Japanese dish consisting of vinegared rice with raw or cooked seafood
  10. 15. chicken - Chicken that has been seasoned and deep-fried
  11. 16. - A long, curved fruit with a yellow peel