
  1. 4. very common in bavaria served with dumplings and sauerkraut
  2. 6. it keeps your food durable or long lasting
  3. 7. its made from maze, flour, all different shapes
  4. 9. something you get on your birthday or wedding
  5. 10. ideal drink for having with a schank
  6. 12. device for baking, roasting,heating meals and plates
  7. 13. it has scales, gills, lives in the sea,lakes,rivers,
  8. 14. item or object used to serve food
  9. 16. used for frying different foods
  10. 17. product made from milk that mice also like
  1. 1. a device for cleaning the dishes and cutlery
  2. 2. utensil used to pick up and making hay
  3. 3. summer food balls that are´nt cheap anymore, different flavours
  4. 5. often served as a side dish, with meat and spuds
  5. 8. dont order it with pineapple, it will insult italians
  6. 9. traditional german sausage
  7. 11. a sharp utensil used for cutting
  8. 15. grows on a tree, edible, and a famous brand from jobs