
  1. 1. a metal container with a handle that is used for cooking food in
  2. 3. a machine that mixes things
  3. 4. to prepare food and usually heat it
  4. 5. to use a knife or other sharp tool to divide something, remove part of something
  5. 7. an object with a handle and a round, curved part at one end, used for eating and serving food
  6. 8. a small object with three or four points and a handle, that you use to pick up food and eat with
  7. 10. a piece of kitchen equipment with a wire or plastic net which separates large pieces of food from liquids or powders
  8. 12. to make something clean using water, or water and soap
  9. 13. a long, thin, flat piece of wood
  10. 16. a large container that uses electricity to keep food cold
  1. 1. a flat, round object that is used for putting food on
  2. 2. a bowl that is fixed to the wall in a kitchen or bathroom that you wash dishes or your hands, etc in
  3. 4. a piece of equipment used to cook food
  4. 5. a small, round container with a handle on the side, used to drink from
  5. 6. a sharp tool or weapon for cutting, usually with a metal blade and a handle
  6. 9. a glass container used for storing food
  7. 10. a flat, horizontal board used to put things on, often fixed to a wall or inside a cupboard
  8. 11. the top part of a container that can be removed in order to put something in or take something out
  9. 14. a piece of kitchen equipment with a door, which is used for cooking food
  10. 15. a container that is used to put waste in