  1. 4. cut into small pieces.
  2. 5. become colder
  3. 7. kremaz beteta
  4. 8. nahazten
  5. 9. I need a glass of water – this curry is too _____________!
  6. 11. Why don’t we _______ a cake this afternoon?
  7. 12. frejituta
  8. 13. egosita
  9. 14. I’m going to _________ some beef for Sunday lunch.
  10. 17. My mum says I shouldn’t eat too much __________ food.
  11. 18. I don’t like the taste of dark chocolate – it’s too __________.
  12. 24. ez gustora
  13. 26. gustagarria
  14. 27. These oranges are nice and _________.
  15. 28. nahaztuta
  16. 29. eat all of something
  17. 31. Chop the tomatoes while I _________ the chicken.
  18. 33. batidora
  19. 34. begin to decompose
  1. 1. I warmed up my bowl of soup in the __________ and it got too hot
  2. 2. Add a bit of sugar to the tomato sauce if it’s too _________.
  3. 3. stop eating
  4. 4. krematsua
  5. 6. make hotter
  6. 9. gustora
  7. 10. eat less of something
  8. 11. When you ___________ the fish, make sure it doesn’t burn.
  9. 15. I love ___________ food, such as anchovies and olives.
  10. 16. frejitzen
  11. 19. saporetsua
  12. 20. sabore gabea
  13. 21. Let the water ________ for a minute before you put the eggs in the pan.
  14. 22. nahazketa
  15. 23. egosten
  16. 25. _________ the potatoes in a little oil and then add salt and pepper.
  17. 30. ez gustagarria
  18. 32. survive by eating only something