
  1. 1. A dish made by mixing various vegetables.
  2. 5. A sandwich with meat inside.
  3. 6. A delicacy that comes from soft plants or flowers.
  4. 8. Various plants like onions, carrots, and tomatoes.
  5. 11. A food made by cooking water and ingredients.
  6. 13. Tasty and healthy seafood.
  7. 14. The most common vegetable in the world.
  1. 1. A dish for cooking meat.
  2. 2. Delicious chicken meat.
  3. 3. A traditional Japanese dish that uses fish and rice.
  4. 4. A popular Italian food enjoyed at home.
  5. 7. The powder of yellow or white grains of rice.
  6. 9. An important ingredient in cheese dishes.
  7. 10. A food made of baked flour.
  8. 12. One of the traditional Italian cuisines.