
  1. 2. A type of food made from flour, water, and sometimes eggs. Pasta comes in different shapes, such as spaghetti, penne, or macaroni, and is often boiled and served with sauces, vegetables, or meat.
  2. 3. A nutritious food produced by female animals, such as birds or reptiles. Eggs are commonly consumed by humans and can be cooked in various ways, including boiled, fried, scrambled, or used as an ingredient in baking.
  3. 4. A staple grain that is a primary food source for many cultures. Rice comes in different varieties, such as white, brown, or wild, and is commonly boiled or steamed and served as a side dish or used in various recipes.
  4. 9. A root vegetable with a bright orange color. It has a crunchy texture and a slightly sweet taste. Carrots are often eaten raw, cooked, or used in soups and stews.
  5. 10. Cream A frozen dessert made from dairy products, sugar, and flavors. Ice cream comes in a variety of flavors and is enjoyed as a refreshing treat. It can be served in cones, cups, or used to make milkshakes and sundaes.
  6. 11. A fruit with a crisp texture and a sweet or tart taste. Apples come in different varieties and colors, such as red, green, or yellow, and are often eaten raw or used in baking and cooking.
  7. 13. A sweet treat made from cocoa beans. Chocolate comes in various forms, such as bars, candies, or hot cocoa, and is enjoyed as a dessert or used as an ingredient in baking and confectionery.
  8. 15. A small, sweet fruit with a bright red color and seeds on its surface. Strawberries are often eaten fresh or used in desserts, smoothies, jams, and other sweet treats.
  9. 16. A popular dish consisting of a round, flat dough topped with sauce, cheese, and various toppings. Pizza is typically baked in an oven and enjoyed as a savory meal or snack.
  1. 1. A popular sandwich made with a cooked ground meat patty, typically beef, and served between two buns. Hamburgers are often topped with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and condiments like ketchup or mayonnaise.
  2. 5. A dairy product made from milk that is coagulated and aged. Cheese comes in different types and flavors, such as cheddar, mozzarella, or Swiss, and is often used in cooking, sandwiches, or eaten on its own.
  3. 6. A dairy product made from fermented milk. Yogurt has a creamy texture and comes in various flavors. It is often consumed as a healthy snack or used in smoothies, desserts, or as a topping.
  4. 7. A type of seafood that is rich in nutrients. Fish come in various species and can be prepared by grilling, baking, frying, or steaming. Fish is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
  5. 8. A curved fruit with a soft, yellow flesh and a sweet taste. Bananas are a popular snack and can be eaten on their own or used in smoothies, desserts, and baked goods.
  6. 12. A staple food made from flour, water, and yeast or other leavening agents. Bread comes in various forms, such as loaves, rolls, or baguettes, and is commonly eaten as a part of meals or used for sandwiches.
  7. 14. A common poultry meat consumed worldwide. Chicken is versatile and can be cooked in various ways, such as grilled, roasted, fried, or used as an ingredient in soups, stews, and sandwiches.