
  1. 1. (샐러드) Mixed vegetables or fruits served with dressing.
  2. 4. (피자) Round bread with cheese and toppings.
  3. 6. (치킨) Meat from a bird, usually cooked and seasoned.
  4. 7. (바나나) Soft and yellow fruit that you can peel.
  5. 8. cream (아이스크림) Cold, sweet frozen dessert.
  6. 10. (쿠키) Sweet baked treat, usually round or flat.
  7. 11. (요거트) Creamy dairy product with various flavors.
  8. 13. (팬케이크) Flat and round cake, often served with syrup.
  1. 1. (샌드위치) Two slices of bread with fillings in between.
  2. 2. (사과) Sweet and crunchy fruit.
  3. 3. (파스타) Italian noodles made from wheat flour.
  4. 5. (초콜릿) Sweet treat made from cocoa beans.
  5. 7. (햄버거) Meat patty between two buns with toppings.
  6. 9. (수프) Hot liquid food with vegetables, meat, or broth.
  7. 12. (밥) Small grains that are a staple food in many countries.