
  1. 2. Yellow and bendy. You peel them to eat!
  2. 5. White and fluffy. Perfect for movie nights!
  3. 9. Brown and sweet. Some people can't resist this treat!
  4. 10. Oval, and come in a shell. Can be boiled, scrambled, or fried.
  5. 12. Cream: Cold, creamy, and comes in a cone or cup. Perfect for summer!
  6. 13. Small and crunchy. Often found in a shell and can be turned into butter.
  7. 14. Orange and crunchy. Bunnies are known to love these!
  1. 1. Round with cheese and toppings. Often sliced in triangles.
  2. 2. Fluffy inside with a crust outside, often eaten for breakfast or with sandwiches.
  3. 3. Can be roasted, fried, or grilled. Often comes with vegetables.
  4. 4. Long, thin, and wiggly. Often tangled up and served with tomato sauce.
  5. 6. Small and white grains. It's a staple in many countries.
  6. 7. Red or green, crisp, and sweet. Often linked with keeping doctors away.
  7. 8. Can be hard or soft, and comes in blocks or wheels. Sometimes has holes!
  8. 11. Small, juicy, and can be purple or green. They grow in bunches!