  1. 3. Light green vegetable mainly used in salads
  2. 6. Orange, long and comes from the ground. Bugs Bunny loves it
  3. 8. If you cut this vegetable you might cry
  4. 10. Yellow long fruit, monkeys love it
  5. 11. Big and green on the outside, red with black seeds on the inside. You eat it in summer
  6. 12. A green vegetable that looks like a small tree
  7. 14. Red and very juicy. You get ketchup from it
  8. 15. It comes from cows and it is white
  9. 17. Yellow and very small
  1. 1. Yellow and sour, you wouldn't bite it
  2. 2. Small, red, and very sweet. They have yellow seeds on the outside
  3. 4. Small, round and red. Ver sweet, they have a seed inside of them
  4. 5. You can eat it in many ways (fries, chips, roasted...) It comes from the ground
  5. 7. A fruit that can be green, yellow or red, for Snow White, it is posonous
  6. 9. Typical halloween vegetable, big and orange
  7. 13. With the same name as it's colour, we get juice from it
  8. 16. Brown on the outside and green on the inside with a lot of seeds