
  1. 2. a sauce made from cooked meat juices together with stock and other ingredients.
  2. 3. a spoonful of..
  3. 5. a snail, especially as an item on a menu.
  4. 9. a bunch of......
  5. 12. a slice of.....
  6. 13. cook (something) using a grill.
  7. 14. a can of
  8. 15. a pinch of ....
  1. 1. belonging to the category that is salty or spicy rather than sweet.
  2. 4. a dish of beef or other meat cooked slowly in coconut milk and various spices until fairly dry.
  3. 6. having a pleasant, distinct flavor.
  4. 7. a Mexican dish consisting of a fried tortilla, typically folded, filled with various mixtures, such as seasoned meat, beans, lettuce, and tomatoes.
  5. 8. the pickled roe of sturgeon or other large fish, eaten as a delicacy.
  6. 10. a slice of .......
  7. 11. Italian-style ice cream.
  8. 14. mix it thoroughly.