
  1. 2. Decorative item added to a dish.
  2. 5. Cooked on a grill.
  3. 8. Set of instructions for preparing a particular dish.
  4. 12. Mixing ingredients together smoothly.
  5. 13. Soaking food in a seasoned liquid before cooking.
  6. 16. Small dish served before a meal to stimulate the appetite.
  7. 19. Individual items used to make a dish.
  8. 20. Style or method of cooking, often associated with a specific region or culture.
  9. 21. Having a sharp, unpleasant taste.
  1. 1. Produced without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers
  2. 3. Having a sugary taste.
  3. 4. Late-morning meal combining breakfast and lunch.
  4. 6. Specific food preparation served as a meal.
  5. 7. Prepared at home rather than bought ready-made.
  6. 9. Small, quick portion of food consumed between meals.
  7. 10. The distinctive taste of a food or drink.
  8. 11. Cooked in boiling water.
  9. 12. Self-service spread of food.
  10. 14. Rich in essential nutrients.
  11. 15. Preserving food in a solution of vinegar or brine.
  12. 17. Unusual or foreign, often in a positive culinary context.
  13. 18. Sweet dish typically served at the end of a meal.