
  1. 2. helps body digest foods
  2. 4. balls of food that tongue forms
  3. 6. water in mouth
  4. 7. acids that help food breakdown
  5. 8. helps speed up reaction
  6. 11. thick liquid made by churned food
  7. 12. enzyme in saliva
  8. 14. storage for glucose
  9. 16. movement of muscles
  10. 17. simple sugar that the body needs
  11. 18. breathing, digesting food, building tissues
  12. 19. last place food goes before exiting
  13. 20. breaking down food
  1. 1. works with other juices to break down food
  2. 3. part that connects the mouth and stomach
  3. 5. mixture of enzymes
  4. 9. energy you need for automatic processes
  5. 10. where food goes after the esophagus
  6. 13. inner wall of small intestines
  7. 15. reaction combine with oxygen