
  1. 2. it grows on a palm
  2. 4. a berry that grows in the forest
  3. 6. keeps track of the time
  4. 7. a small red berry
  5. 8. a drink from cows
  6. 9. you use it to cut food
  7. 11. meat from pigs
  8. 13. you eat soup out of it
  9. 14. citrus fruit
  10. 15. a long green vegetable
  11. 16. krusbär
  12. 18. a red or green fruit
  1. 1. you usually eat it as breakfast
  2. 3. it measures liquids
  3. 5. a red berry
  4. 10. where you keep spices
  5. 11. you eat on it
  6. 12. a cold place where you keep food
  7. 17. an orange fruit that needs to be peeled before eating
  8. 19. you can eat mashed ...