
  1. 1. A dish consisting of rice, seaweed, and a variety of ingredients in the middle.
  2. 3. Can be served alongside curry, full of carbohydrates.
  3. 5. is also known as a submarine sandwich,but people in Philly call it something else.
  4. 6. You lick and suck on it, you can bite it but it will hurt your teeth.
  5. 8. A type of German sausage
  6. 9. It has a pop to it.
  7. 14. is very red and can be crispy
  8. 15. I wouldn't really say it's cake, but it's cheesy
  9. 16. is very gooey and kind of cheesy
  10. 17. Made of wheat
  11. 18. found in chicken coops
  1. 2. I like breaking it, and I like it served with meatballs and tomato sauce.
  2. 4. long strands of starchy wheat and flour, can be put on soups
  3. 7. A dish found in most fast food restaurants, Must have a bun to be considered this item.
  4. 10. I like the pumpkin flavor, and I like to put cream on top of it.
  5. 11. A staple in Asian cuisine, is full of carbohydrates
  6. 12. A healthy option consisting of vegetables and maybe meat.
  7. 13. It's very cheesy
  8. 15. Can be served on your birthday, it's very creamy.