
  1. 8. with essential substances that your body uses to stay healthy
  2. 10. very healthy food
  3. 11. the felling of wanting some food and wishing to eat it
  4. 12. seeds from a plant
  5. 13. a substance that helps the intestine to work better. Vegetables and greens have it.
  1. 1. large farm animals kept for their milk or meat. Such as cows, bouffaloes and oxes
  2. 2. any substance used as food
  3. 3. having or using something for yourself
  4. 4. animals kept on a farm, such as chickens, cows and sheep
  5. 5. and amount of something avaiable for using
  6. 6. plant used to produce grains
  7. 7. very good to improve your life, phisically and emotionally.
  8. 9. when there is not enough of something