  1. 3. great with crackers or bread or anything really
  2. 5. you get a sweet tooth if you have a lot of these
  3. 7. this is good when your sick
  4. 10. people in french have this with every single meal
  5. 12. these can be dipped in chocolate or not its pretty good
  6. 13. can go on pizza but its not good
  7. 15. you usaully have this with a burger or some chicken
  8. 19. when you make a 3 in basketball some people say ____
  9. 20. this fruit is good with some cherrios and it grows on trees
  1. 1. some are sweet and some are very hot
  2. 2. you have this with breakfast usaully and has some good protein
  3. 4. this is good with italian dressing or just a salad
  4. 6. we have this every single friday at school
  5. 8. it can go on the cob! (so sigma!)
  6. 9. this is good with some ranch
  7. 11. people dont know if this is a fruit or a vegetable but its a fruid
  8. 14. not very popular and a lot of the food is from the SEA
  9. 16. you usaully have this on birthdays
  10. 17. You must eat one of these to keep the doctor away
  11. 18. very good with some chocolate inside