
  1. 4. - A refreshing summer fruit with juicy pink flesh.
  2. 6. - Red meat from cattle.
  3. 8. - A fuzzy fruit with a sweet, juicy interior.
  4. 10. - A small red fruit often used in desserts.
  5. 13. - Leafy greens packed with nutrients.
  6. 16. - A baked dessert often served on special occasions.
  7. 17. - Small, round fruits that grow in clusters.
  8. 19. - A starchy tuber that can be baked, mashed, or fried.
  9. 24. - Round and juicy, with varieties like cantaloupe and honeydew.
  10. 26. - A green fruit with tiny black seeds and tangy flavor.
  11. 27. - A yellow, curved fruit that monkeys love.
  12. 28. - Shaped like a teardrop and comes in various varieties.
  13. 29. - Used in cooking to add flavor to dishes.
  14. 30. - A leafy green often used in salads.
  1. 1. - A tropical fruit with spiky skin and a sweet taste.
  2. 2. - Dairy product made from curdled milk.
  3. 3. - Legumes that come in various colors and sizes.
  4. 5. - White liquid produced by mammals.
  5. 7. - A green vegetable with florets and a stalk.
  6. 9. - Common poultry meat.
  7. 11. - A staple food in many cuisines.
  8. 12. - Sweet treat made from cocoa beans.
  9. 14. - A fruit often associated with teachers and doctors.
  10. 15. - A breakfast staple often fried or boiled.
  11. 18. - Often carved for Halloween and used in pies.
  12. 20. - Often mistaken for a vegetable, it’s actually a fruit.
  13. 21. - Swims in water and is a popular protein source.
  14. 22. - Bugs Bunny’s favorite vegetable.
  15. 23. - Known for its strong aroma and taste.
  16. 25. - A citrus fruit known for its vitamin C content.