
  1. 1. A seafood that means tiny.
  2. 6. A color and a fruit.
  3. 8. A yellow fruit.
  4. 10. A starch that grows underground and has "eyes."
  5. 12. A yellow sauce that can be spicy.
  6. 13. It is like ice cream but without milk.
  7. 14. A hot black drink people have in the morning.
  1. 2. A popular food at the movies.
  2. 3. Name of a sauce and a dance.
  3. 4. The science of growing food.
  4. 5. Long noodles with tomato sauce.
  5. 7. It is a shape when whole and triangles when cut.
  6. 9. Has the name of an animal in it.
  7. 11. A bird people like to eat.