  1. 1. Two slices of bread with meat, cheese, or other stuff in between.
  2. 5. A round, flat bread with sauce, cheese, and toppings.
  3. 7. A thick soup with meat and vegetables.
  4. 8. A small, sweet cake in a paper cup.
  5. 9. A white drink that comes from cows.
  6. 10. Thin, crispy pieces of fried potato.
  7. 11. A thick slice of beef, cooked on a grill or pan.
  8. 12. A hot drink made from soaking dried leaves in water.
  1. 2. A hot drink made from ground coffee beans, usually for adults.
  2. 3. Small white or brown grains cooked in water.
  3. 4. Cooking meat outside on a grill.
  4. 6. Long, thin noodles often eaten with sauce.
  5. 7. A mix of raw vegetables like lettuce and tomatoes.
  6. 8. A bird that people eat, often roasted or fried.
  7. 11. A warm, liquid food made with meat or vegetables.