
  1. 2. A red or yellow fruit used as a vegetable, typically round, juicy, and slightly tangy, commonly eaten raw in salads or cooked in sauces.
  2. 4. A small, red, heart-shaped fruit with tiny seeds on the outside and sweet, juicy flesh, typically eaten fresh or in desserts.
  3. 6. A long, green or yellow vegetable with smooth skin and mild, slightly sweet flesh, commonly eaten cooked or raw in salads, stir-fries, or as a side dish.
  4. 9. A long, orange root vegetable with a crunchy texture and sweet flavor, commonly eaten raw, cooked, or in salads.
  5. 10. A vegetable that comes in a variety of colors (red, green, yellow, or orange), with a crisp texture and sweet or slightly spicy flavor, often used in salads or cooked in dishes.
  6. 12. A small, round, dark blue or purple berry, known for its sweet flavor and often used in baking, smoothies, or eaten fresh.
  7. 13. A round fruit with red, green, or yellow skin, and a crisp white interior, commonly eaten raw or used in cooking.
  8. 14. A small, red or black berry made up of many tiny drupelets, known for its slightly tart and sweet flavor, often used in jams or desserts.
  1. 1. A small, round fruit that grows in clusters, available in red, green, or purple varieties, used for eating, juicing, or making wine.
  2. 3. A round citrus fruit with a thick orange skin and juicy, sweet-sour interior, often eaten fresh or juiced.
  3. 5. A dark purple or black berry similar to a raspberry, but larger and with a slightly sweeter taste.
  4. 7. A long, curved fruit with soft, sweet flesh inside a yellow peel, often eaten as a snack or in desserts.
  5. 8. A small, red, tart berry often used in sauces, juices, or dried for snacking, particularly popular during holiday meals.
  6. 11. A bell-shaped fruit with green or brown skin and sweet, juicy flesh, often eaten fresh or used in cooking.