
  1. 3. In the slash and burn method, ... help fertilise the ground
  2. 6. Farmers use ... to control temperature, water and nutrient supplies
  3. 8. plants make food in the sun to produce
  4. 11. This indicator changes to many colours based on pH
  5. 12. The natural ... of rats are snakes
  6. 18. When trees are removed, soil is affected and this leads to
  7. 20. This gas is needed by plants to make food
  8. 23. Aquatic plants underwater also need ...
  9. 24. Plant ... can be used to kill weeds
  10. 25. Food provides us with ...
  11. 26. This chemical to kill insects affects the environment
  12. 28. Chemical fertilisers contain these
  13. 29. This method involves cutting down of trees
  1. 1. burning of trees lead to ...
  2. 2. When forest are removed, homes or ... of animals are destroyed
  3. 4. Chemical fertilisers affect ... life
  4. 5. Non-chemical fertilisers are also called ... fertilisers
  5. 7. This method grows plants in a mist of nutrients
  6. 8. We eat in order to ...
  7. 9. Phosphorus and nitrogen in water causes ... bloom
  8. 10. This is a weed killer
  9. 13. The green stuff found in plants
  10. 14. Process ofmaking food by plants
  11. 15. This metho grows plants without soil
  12. 16. Litmus paper change to this colour in acids
  13. 17. Natural fertilisers
  14. 19. This gas is given out by plants when making food
  15. 21. Comprises cheese, milk, butter
  16. 22. This type of paper used to tell how acidic or alkaline
  17. 27. Plants grown for food are called ...