
  1. 3. Used to make a sandwich
  2. 5. Not good for you
  3. 8. Delicious treat made from cocoa
  4. 13. Green, leafy vegetable makes you strong
  5. 15. A way to make eggs
  6. 17. Lots of vitamin C, often made into juice
  7. 19. Not cooked
  8. 20. Meaning the same as disgusting
  9. 21. Not natural
  10. 25. Cook in oil, usually in a pan
  11. 26. Tastes really good
  12. 27. Feel satisifued after eating
  13. 28. Made from sour milk
  1. 1. A lemon can be described using this adjective
  2. 2. Green/white vegetable used to make Kimchi
  3. 3. Heat liquid until it bubbles
  4. 4. Good for calcium for bones. Used in cereal
  5. 6. Without a strong flavor
  6. 7. Famous in the USA. Meat between two buns
  7. 9. Orange vegetable, rabbits like to eat
  8. 10. Yellow fruit that is spiky with prickly green leaves
  9. 11. In a bun to make a hot dog
  10. 12. Popular morning drink used to 'wake up'
  11. 14. Good for you
  12. 16. Cook in an oven
  13. 18. Done to a turkey on Thanksgiving day in the USA
  14. 22. Causes a person to gain weight
  15. 23. Salad can be described with this adjective
  16. 24. Another word for bbq