
  1. 6. a popular jacket potato topping
  2. 9. Some like it hot
  3. 11. A spreadable filling
  4. 12. May need a dressing
  5. 13. BLT
  6. 15. Eaten raw
  7. 18. Sausage and batter
  8. 20. Ring or filled?
  9. 21. A picnic favourite
  10. 22. Love or hate it
  11. 23. Eaten with chopsticks
  12. 24. Traditional on Sunday
  1. 1. The main topping for Pizza
  2. 2. Eat with a spoon and fork
  3. 3. Good for dunking
  4. 4. Egg or pineapple on top?
  5. 5. A favourite after a night out
  6. 7. Friday feast needing salt and vinegar
  7. 8. First meal of the day
  8. 10. A typical Xmas treat
  9. 14. Can be cooked 4 different ways
  10. 16. Red, green or black?
  11. 17. Smooth or crunchy?
  12. 18. Added to everything
  13. 19. Jam or Cream first?