Food 5 & 6

  1. 2. Heel of dominant Claw 5 presses against heel of non-dominant Open B (fingertips pointing forward) then Claw 5 wrist rotates back & forth repeatedly.
  2. 6. Fingertips of dominant Open B touch chin and pull down slightly into Bent B hand twice.
  3. 8. Dominant C (palm in) fingertips touch chest and slide downward once.
  4. 9. Word must be fingerspelled first, then fingertips of Closed X touches back of non-dominant 1 (palm down) fingertip and X makes tiny bouncing movement along 1 finger.
  5. 13. Knuckles of dominant E rub against cheek while making tiny forward circles.
  6. 14. Both B (thumb-sides up) in front of waist then push toward dominant side of waist, repeat once.
  7. 15. Dominant S (palm in) under chin repeatedly opens and closes slightly.
  8. 17. Both F (palms down) dominant hand moves forward slightly while non-dominant moves back, switch and repeat several times.
  9. 18. Dominant V (palm down) fingertips touch palm of non-dominant Open B (fingertips pointing up) then B hand wrist rotates slightly and the V fingertips touch the back of the Open B hand.
  10. 19. Dominant A knuckles tap twice against the elbow of the non-dominant S.
  11. 22. Dominant V (palm in) fingertips tap twice against the back of the non-dominant S hand (palm in).
  12. 23. Dominant S (thumb-side up) in front of shoulder, repeatedly opens slightly and closes.
  1. 1. Dominant F (palm down) bounces downward slightly then makes a tiny bounce in an “arc” toward the dominant side.
  2. 3. Middle finger of dominant Open 8 (palm down) touches non-dominant S (thumb-side up) then Open 8 changes to 5 & moves down landing on top of S hand.
  3. 4. Dominant Bent B heel of hand taps against the side of head.
  4. 5. Both Bent B (palms in) fingertips point at mouth with non-dominant Bent B fingertips on top of dominant Bent B fingertips.
  5. 7. Pinky of dominant I (palm out) touches side of chin then pulls downward slightly while wrist rotates inward.
  6. 10. Both 8 (pointing up) fingertips touch then flick open to Open 8, twice.
  7. 11. Non-dominant O (palm down) in front of chest. Dominant 1 (palm out) touches lips then moves downward brushing against fingertips of O hand.
  8. 12. Dominant F (palm down) shakes up and down gently.
  9. 13. Dominant 5 (palm down) on top of non-dominant S (thumb-side) up. 5 hand slides forward while fingers wiggle.
  10. 16. Both I (palms in) fingertips touch then move apart while making tiny circles.
  11. 20. Dominant 1 (palm out) index finger touches cheek & wrist rotates until palm faces down, repeat twice. OR Dominant 1 (palm in) index finger touches cheek & flicks down twice.
  12. 21. Dominant H (palm in) sits on top of non-dominant H (palm in) then both hands move downward as they break apart.