
  1. 1. It comes from cows (=Kühe). You can drink it in the morning.
  2. 5. It's made from milk, you make it in the morning with jelly and bread.
  3. 6. It's a fruit that has the name of a color.
  4. 8. It's very sweet and brown.
  5. 11. You can use it to cook a pie (=Kuchen).
  1. 2. It's sweet, cold and you eat it in the summer.
  2. 3. It's an orange vegetable loved by rabbits (=Hasen).
  3. 4. You can eat it in the morning with butter and jelly.
  4. 5. It's yellow. Monkeys love it!
  5. 7. It's a red vegetable that you eat with spaghetti.
  6. 8. It's made from milk, it's often eaten(=gegessen) with bread.
  7. 9. Chickens (=Hühner) do it.
  8. 10. You can drink it and also use it when you take a shower (=dusche)