
  1. 3. Two pieces of bread with something(s) in the middle, like tomato, lettuce, cheese, ham, bacon, chocolate, peanut butter, chips, avocado, sliced fruit, sliced vegetables, carrots, and much more
  2. 4. A Mexican food including a hard or soft shell with meat, sour cream, tomato, lettuce, cheese, avocado, and more.
  3. 5. Triangle shaped with sauce, cheese, and optional toppings
  4. 7. A meat that comes from cows
  5. 8. A hard and crunchy, yet sometimes soft appetizer or entree;always comes plural(with more than one;very commonly small
  1. 1. Soft noodles with warm cheese;usually contains a lot of calories
  2. 2. An Italian food that includes noodle, cheese, sauce, meat, and sometimes vegetables
  3. 6. potatoes Not usually used as an entire meal, but as a side;mushy;can sometimes contain peal