
  1. 2. they are very spicy
  2. 4. you have it at someone’s birthday
  3. 6. people say monkeys eat them
  4. 7. it’s really sour
  5. 8. they make you wild
  6. 9. South Africans call them chips
  7. 10. it’s a red type of melon
  8. 12. cream it’s cold
  9. 13. if you wanna make them / it you would need to fry it
  1. 1. it’s an Israeli type of bread
  2. 2. you haven’t for breakfast
  3. 3. they are much to healthy
  4. 5. it rhymes with a place that has loads of sand
  5. 6. it’s a big sandwich
  6. 11. they are quite crumbly